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Playable Ads

What are Playable Ads?

Playable Ads are a type of interactive ad unit that allows users to experience a demo version of the app before committing to downloading it. They offer an in-ad gameplay experience that helps in effectively engaging and acquiring new users.

These ads usually last for about 15 seconds - 1 minute, and they have a close (X) button that allows users to skip the ad if they choose to do so.

Playable Ads have become an increasingly popular mobile game monetization model. These ads appear as in-game ads during gameplay, to acquire new users. Moreover, these ads have recently gained popularity on websites, non-gaming apps, and social platforms.

Elements for creating Playable Ads

Here are some key elements to consider using to create effective playable ads that drive conversions.

  • Simple tutorial: Create a short, simple, and intuitive playable ad that helps the user understand and follow the app’s working.
  • User Engagement: Hook the user by using compelling graphics and interactive elements. Be sure to introduce your app's best features and entertain them.
  • Call-to-action (CTA): Prompt the user to take action by giving them options to download, sign up, etc.

Best Practices for Playable Ads

  • Intuitive experience: Give the user a simple, clear, and straightforward experience of your app’s working. This will keep your users engaged throughout the ad and ultimately results in a conversion.
  • Captivate your audience: Create a short, interactive playable ad considering the key elements. Note that even the most engaging ad will not result in conversions if the CTA is not placed at the right time.
  • Know your users: Understand your audience by tracking their demographics and behavior. Understanding the demographics will help you to target your audience better.
  • Track and optimize: Make sure to test and track your ad performance regularly. This helps optimize the process of user targeting.

Benefits of Playable Ads

  • Increased Engagement: Playable ads use gamified interactive elements that greatly attract and engage users. Thus, it is one of the most effective in-app ad formats that are used by mobile game advertising.
  • High conversion rates: Playable Ads offers the highest conversion rates than any other ad format. The improved appealing ad experience increases user engagement resulting in high CTR and conversions.
  • Optimize ad performance: These ads can be optimized to target the right audience by understanding user behavior. This can result in increased conversion rates that subsequently boost revenue. It also reduces ad spend waste.
  • Drive higher retention rate: Since the users have opted to download the app after a test trial, they are more likely to use the app for the long term. This quality user base is expected to generate a higher lifetime value (LTV) for the app. It also reduces the number of uninstalls.

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