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Ad Placements

What are ad placements

Ad placement refers to an ad unit or many ad units within a publisher's digital domain (app or website) where advertisers can place their ads. Where an ad is placed determines the ad's viewability, receptivity, and in turn, the ad revenue. Advertisers will overlook ads that are intrusive and have low viewability.

Why are ad placements important

Ad placements play a crucial role in programmatic advertising for many key reasons. Firstly, ad placements determine if the ads receive enough visibility or reach. Advertisers can reach a wider audience if their ad placements are optimal.

Proper ad placements ensure a positive user experience. Non-intrusive and contextual ads can reduce ad fatigue and increase conversion rates.

Ad placements in high-traffic locations help increase brand awareness and credibility. By choosing relevant placements, advertisers can focus their budget on areas that yield the best results and avoid spending on ineffective placements.

Advertisers can also avoid ad blockers by carefully selecting ad placements and reducing the risk of ad fraud.

Types of ad placements

Some popular ad placements are as follows:

  1. Banner ad placement:

    The ads displayed here are usually at the top, bottom, or side of the webpage.

  2. Native ad placement:

    The ads placed in this unit are non-intrusive and seamlessly blend in with their surroundings.

  3. Video ad placements:

    These ad units host ads that play before, during, or after video content on streaming platforms, apps, or websites.

  4. Interstitial ad placements:

    These ad units host full-screen ads that appear during page transitions or between game levels.

  5. Social media ad placements:

    These ads appear within users' social media feeds and appear like regular posts.

  6. Search engine ad placements:

    These placements serve ads at the top or bottom of the search engine result pages.

How to find the best ad placement for your app or website

  • Prepare the tools:

    Use SEO tools to monitor the traffic your app or website receives. Gain insights into traffic sources, visitor behavior, preferences, devices, and more. Identify the most visited areas of your app or website. Heatmaps will help understand the content that is clicked on the most and how much visitors scroll down the page.

  • Know your audience:

    Analyze audience data, geography, and preferences. Identify the ad placement that resonates the most with your audience.

  • Check ad viewability:

    Viewability rate talks about how many ads are viewed by users. A high viewability score indicates higher bids from advertisers.

  • A/B Test your content:

    Keep testing the ad placement with different ad formats and creatives. Experiment with various combinations and identify the one that appeals to your audience the best.

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